Our story
Established in 2001 – Since we were little kids, my brother and I have always been involved in building. ProWorks Flooring was born out of years of experience and ultimately a lifetime of love for construction. We wanted to build on all the things we liked about the industry and fix the things that we felt were broken. Our business started with the two of us and help from my wife. Over nearly 2 decades, we have created hands down the BEST remodel flooring construction business. From the beginning, we were uniquely interested in the remodel segment of the industry. Our focus involves constantly developing and refining systems and processes that allow us to deliver a great service, a great experience, while always doing great work.
We get the little things right!
We have seen some things over 20 years of being in business. One that has really stuck out is how attention to detail and doing the little things right really matters to our clients. See, we have noticed that our reputation isn’t just tied to the great work we do on floors. Most flooring contractors who have been doing this for a while also do great floor work. The truth is, what really separates us is how we do everything else. The 3 that we focus on are:
1. Consistent and Clear Communication
2. Efficient Process
3. Clean Trim Work and Smart Transitions
These 3 things, if ignored, are happy customer killers. Even if the floor work looks great, if the process wasn’t efficient, or the communication was poor, customers are not very likely to rave about us to their friends. And with regards to the actual work, nothing ruins a great floor like sloppy trim work and/or clunky transitions. At ProWorks, we have been very intentional about our goals and vision over the years. We strive for growth, but not just in top line revenue or bottom line profit. We have and will continue to pursue growth as it relates to the process, and our ultimate barometer of success has always been and will continue to be our reputation.
Improving Homes